November 29, 2015 6:08 pm -


Carly Fiorina ought to take responsibility for her own lies about Planned Parenthood videos before casting aspersions on the left wing.

Appearing on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, the deposed HP CEO stated that, since Planned Parenthood was no longer going to transfer fetal part to medical researchers, it was a tacit admission of guilt.

Fiorina has been under fire for claiming she saw “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain,” in the highly edited videos created by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress. Fact checkers have repeatedly said no such video exists. This, however, has not deterred Fiorina from repeating it.

Speaking with Wallace, Fiorina blasted critics of her over the top rhetoric when it comes to abortion, saying, “It is so typical of the left to begin demonizing the messenger because they don’t agree with your message.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.