December 21, 2015 6:04 pm -


Marco Rubio tried to explain away not being present to vote on the spending bill by claiming it was the same thing as voting against it.

In an interview with CBS News’ Face the Nation host John Dickerson, Rubio was asked to respond to Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, who told Politico Friday that Rubio should resign from the Senate after missing the critical vote.

“Look, I’m running for president,” Rubio told Dickerson in Dubuque, Iowa ahead of his town hall. “We do our job everyday. Even before I got on the air with you today, we were going through some constituent service work where I’m personally intervening on behalf of people in our office. When there are important votes, especially those where I can be a decisive voice, I’m going to be there.”

Rubio described the spending package as a “massive, grotesque piece of legislation” and explained he’s focusing on the campaign trail in order to win election and prevent similar votes from happening again in Washington.

“That’s why I’m out campaigning. I want these votes to start to matter again,” he said.

Asked why he wouldn’t make his point about the spending package by physically being on Capitol Hill, Rubio said his message was clear.

“In essence, not voting for it, is a vote against it,” said Rubio, who then took a jab at Paul, who voted against the $1.1 trillion package, which also included a set of tax extenders.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.