January 5, 2016 7:51 pm -


Rick Santorum has to say something to get attention in this presidential race.

“Number one is we have to take the down nuclear facilities within Iran. Day one, my inaugural address, I will refute the Obama agreement and I will say that the Iranians must open up their facilities,” the former senator from Pennsylvania said on SiriusXM radio’s Breitbart News program.

“If they do not open them up and begin to dismantle them, each and every one, allow us access to all military facilities, and if they don’t, then we will take them out,” continued Santorum. “We will take them out through an air and missile campaign. We do not need to put boots on the ground. Just like the Iraq and Syria, nuclear program, where the Israelis came in and took them out. They didn’t start a war in either of those cases. They stopped a war in both of those cases. And that’s what we will do here.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.