March 28, 2016 1:09 am -


Roger Stone is the king of negative campaigning.

Donald Trump’s BFF Roger Stone knows that Donald Trump couldn’t possibly be behind the Ted Cruz sex scandal story the National Enquirer reported this week. DTrump told ABC’s This Week on Sunday that it was not him behind the story saying, “I have no control over the National Enquirer.” Stone echoed the same sentiment on AM970 where he told host Frank Morano that by definition he couldn’t be one of Trump’s henchmen because he’s not being paid. Cruz not only blamed Trump and Stone but he also accused Stone of being someone who copulates with rodents. “Knowing what a couple of these women look like,” Stone continued, “I actually feel like he’s the one who has been copulating with rodents.”

Some have questioned if Ted Cruz will sue the National Enquirer for the story, but Stone claims that Cruz won’t because he can’t. “Again, why won’t he sue. It won’t cost him anything, he’s a lawyer himself…To be absolutely clear, Ted Cruz won’t sue because the allegations are largely true. That’s why he won’t sue.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.