March 31, 2016 11:00 am -


Start with abortion, and take it from there:

While most presidential candidates craft detailed platforms and spend years trying to sell them to voters, GOP front-runner Donald Trump sometimes takes up two or three contradictory policy positions in the same week — or even the same interview.

Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump participates in a CNN town hall with Anderson Cooper in the historic Riverside Theatre, Tuesday, March 29, 2016, in Milwaukee. Charles Rex Arbogast / AP
It’s difficult to glean a platform from Trump’s powerfully incoherent rhetoric while navigating the quicksand-like task of separating fact from Trump’s many exaggerations and outright falsehoods in thousands of interviews. It’s perhaps harder still to get the GOP front-runner to address policy questions directly. The candidate often declines to offer specifics, arguing that unpredictability is an advantage he’ll use to cut better deals, just as his critics say this is a sign he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Trump’s shifting stances aren’t just challenging for reporters tasked with covering him— they’re also a source of consternation for his party, as more than a few of his stated policies directly contradict the GOP platform.

“You have to have a certain degree of flexibility,” the Republican front-runner said in a March debate when confronted on his evolving policy plank, taking a stance on immigration he’d reverse hours later. “You can’t say, it’s OK, and then you find out it’s not OK and you don’t want to do anything. You have to be flexible, because you learn.”

To understand and track Trump’s views, we’ve compiled a list of his past and present positions on issues since the billionaire real estate mogul announced his candidacy, along with any explanation the candidate has offered on the changes.

Here ya go.




D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.