April 6, 2016 4:50 pm -


Rebecca Bradley’s election is a victory for Governor Scott Walker.

…Bradley had the full support of the conservative movement behind her. She hasrisen through the ranks during Walker’s tenure with the support of groups like theWisconsin Club for Growth. The governor first named her to the Milwaukee County Circuit Court in 2012, and then he elevated her to Wisconsin Court of Appeals in May 2015. In October, when a vacancy arose on the state Supreme Court, Walker again gave her a plum appointment.

In one of her college columns, Bradley criticized people trying to bring attention to the AIDS epidemic, hitting “their misdirected compassion for the degenerates who basically commit suicide through their behavior.”

She also argued that it would be better to get AIDS than cancer, “because those afflicted with the politically-correct disease will be getting all of the funding.”

“How sad that the lives of degenerate drug addicts and queers are valued more than the innocent victims of more prevalent ailments,” she added.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.