April 8, 2016 9:46 pm -


What a dickish thing to do.

This week, video surfaced of a Floridian named Cara Jennings berating Scott for his cuts to health services in the state, which, she said, left her and other workers without access to Obamacare. “You’re an asshole!” Jennings shouted at His Cosmic Highness in the video. At the time of this writing, the short clip has over 2 million views.

You’d think that Scott, being exalted royalty on his home planet Zorblart, could handle being called a few names, but apparently not. A new video published on his official YouTube channel today smears Jennings as an “anarchist” and a “former government official”—the second of these epithets considered a grievous insult in a state whose government is presided over by the former “Dark Prince of Galaxy X-2-GH7,” a “man” who has a laserdisc player for a heart and a barrel of industrial byproduct for a soul.




D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.