April 8, 2016 9:26 pm -


The “infection” of Muslim immigrants needs to be fought off like a body fights off disease, says the man of God.

Robertson: Our bodies are amazingly resilient and they can throw off a small infection, something comes up and the body has mechanisms to deal with it and the body closes in on the invader and kills it and the body stays strong. But there comes a time if the infection is allowed to spread, and it will spread rapidly when the invader overtakes the healthy body, at which point there is sickness and then ultimately death.

No society should allow some alien body to come to its midst that preaches terror, preaches overthrow, preaches violence and preaches another form of government. We shouldn’t have that.

Now, that’s what is being allowed in Belgium and France and other parts of Europe in the name of political correctness. And the so-called socialist liberals think, ‘I want to be open and I want to be welcoming to these people who come in.’ Okay, a few of them, fine, assimilate into the society, learn the language, learn the customs and be Belgians. But these people are not. They’re keeping on with their Islamic customs, Islamic dress, they’re speaking Arabic and they’re in the middle of Belgium and they’re growing and metastasizing and it won’t be long before they overwhelm the healthy body. Here in America and other places, we can only stand so much infection before it overwhelms us…

but it’s going to take violence. They’ve got to move in with the police dragnets.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.