April 9, 2016 7:28 pm -


Gordon Klingenschmitt’s support should signal how extreme the views of Ted Cruz are.

…for those unfamiliar with “Dr. Chaps,” as he likes to be called, allow us to fill you in.

Back in 2006, Klingenschmitt was booted out of the Navy for wearing his uniform at a political rally, in violation of military regulations, though he claimed, of course, that he was the victim of anti-Christian persecution (and that God even sent a hurricane as a show of support for him), thus beginning his career as a Religious Right activist.

In 2014, Klingenschmitt won a seat in the Colorado House of Representatives and his tenure in office, unsurprisingly, has been marked by controversy. He was stripped of his seat on the House Health, Insurance and Environment Committee in his first year in office after claiming on his “Pray In Jesus Name” television program that a brutal attack on a pregnant woman in the state was due to the “curse of God upon America” for legal abortion…



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.