April 18, 2016 7:38 pm -


Hating isn’t as much fun when no one shows up to hate with you.

Anti-Muslim activists organized a rally they called “United against Islam and Islamic immigration refugee,” but they must have had trouble activating the Islamophobic community in the state because no one showed up. The group planned to shred a Quran and a picture of the Prophet Muhammad.

Jim Stachowiak, one of the event organizers is a Trump supporter according to a Huffington Post report last week. “I support Donald Trump because I like his agenda on dealing with the threats to this country — his ban on Islamic immigration,” he explained. He also added that he believes Muslim immigrants and refugees to the U.S. are “no more than an invading horde or army.”

…Despite no attendees, the organizers did destroy a Quran. “We’re not against Muslims,” the man in the video below says to the media. He continued that the group is concerned about Islamic extremists not “Joe Muhammad down the street mowing his yard.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.