May 4, 2016 3:24 pm -


These people want nothing to do with a Trump-headed party.

Mark Salter, a longtime strategist for Senator John McCain of Arizona, sounded resigned and disgusted as he said the unthinkable: He was now prepared to back Hillary Clinton.

“The GOP is going to nominate for President a guy who reads the National Enquirer and thinks it’s on the level,” he wrote on Twitter late Tuesday. “I’m with her.”

The dissenters, who range from wizened elders to younger strategists and even elected officials, are loudly and publicly proclaiming their unwillingness to support Mr. Trump…

Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, an up-and-coming Tea PartyRepublican many view as a future leader of the party, wasted little timedisassociating himself from the current unofficial one.

Alluding to an essay he wrote in February, in which he denounced Mr. Trump as a destructive force bent on dividing the country, Mr. Sasse answered those who asked if Mr. Trump’s decisive victory in Indiana on Tuesday “changes anything for me.”

“The answer is simple,” he said: “No.”

Perhaps the most startling sentiments belonged to Republicans who said they would cross party lines to avoid elevating Mr. Trump.

A terse Twitter message, “#ImWithHer,” from Ben Howe, a contributing editor to the conservative website, immediately went viral. In a series of colorful follow-up posts, Mr. Howe despaired over the fate of his party with Mr. Trump as its nominee.

“Goodbye @GOP,” Mr. Howe wrote, adding: “I’m drinking wine directly out of the bottle right now. #NeverTrump.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.