May 30, 2016 7:29 pm -


The building management says tenants who don’t friend on Facebook are in violation of their leases.

As KSL-TV reports, residents of an apartment building in Salt Lake City, Utah, say they found a curious piece of paper stuck to their doors.

Headlined “Facebook Addendum,” it had fascinating stipulations.

It insisted that tenants had five days to “friend” the City Park Apartments on Facebook or they’d be in breach of their lease. The fact that they’d already signed their lease perhaps months previously didn’t seem to matter to the owners…

Currently, the building enjoys a mere 1.1-star rating on its Facebook page. It also enjoys comments that are less than flattering.

For example, this from Tom Native: “Dropping in and giving you one star because you act like a bunch of Nazi’s [sic] with the FB policy you are forcing down residents throats. Do you really think forcing people to like you is the way to go? I am guessing as this goes viral, you will be getting more bad reviews than you could have gotten good reviews.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.