May 30, 2016 5:07 pm -


Authorities say this may be a hate crime.

Per Vermont Public Radio, Burlington Police say 38-year-old Amos Beede of Milton, Vermont was found badly beaten near the Barge Canal in Burlington last Monday. Police say that Beede “sustained facial fractures, a subdermal hematoma, and several broken ribs” and he was transported to the University of Vermont Medical Center, where he eventually passed away on Sunday, May 29th.

While police haven’t yet determined the motive for Beede’s beating, they haven’t yet ruled out that his identity as a transgender man was the primary cause.

“The deceased was a transgender person who identified as male,” officials said. “The investigation suggests motives on the part of perpetrators independent of this fact. The department has not ruled out the victim’s transgender status as a possible additional motive, and will seek to determine what role if any it may have played as the investigation continues. Until the attendant facts are clarified, we will continue to view this homicide as a possible bias incident.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.