Trump trying to suppress Trump U video depositions
Donald Trump doesn’t want the the public to see what he said in two depositions.
The transcripts of the depositions have already been made public, and Trump’s lawyers argue that releasing the video would not only be redundant but would taint the jury pool upon being covered in the media.
This is, as attorney Jason Forge points out in a court filing submitted on Wednesday, a completely absurd claim for a presidential candidate who has spent the better part of a year denigrating both the substantive claims of the complaint as well as the individual class-representatives who have advanced those claims to make.
“Trump is concerned about a poisoned jury pool,” Forge wrote in the filing. “After dedicating months to poisoning that pool with dozens of nationally-publicized speeches denigrating the claims against him and championing his hollow defense, he should be concerned. He knows the best cure for a snake bite comes from the snake’s own venom. After months of spewing venom into the jury pool, Trump is trying to suppress the cure—his own admissions.”