July 30, 2016 12:49 am -

Donald Trump, turning out to be as deep a thinker as his dad.

This week, the Mississippi state flag was removed from the Wells Fargo Center, where the DNC was held, after protests by supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Trump Jr. decided to enter the flag fray Tuesday by first saying, incorrectly, that there were no American flags at the Democratic National Convention this week, according to WAPT.


The DNC, like the RNC last week in Cleveland, had a digital screen that displayed the American flag. Additionally, the audience in the hall waved hundreds of Stars and Stripes given to them by convention organizers when Hillary Clinton accepted the nomination on Thursday night.

“I saw a bunch of stuff on social media this morning where they didn’t even have the American flag up at the Democratic National Convention, and to me as an American that’s pretty disgraceful,” he told the station. “The fact they’re not even thinking about that as part of their platform, as part of their convention, to me says all you need to know about the Democrats.”

When asked about taking down the Mississippi flag, Trump Jr. responded:

“I believe in traditions. I don’t see a lot of the nonsense that that’s created with these things,” he responded. “So, you know, those are issues and I understand how people feel about some of that, but leaving some of the traditions the way they are in this country, there’s nothing wrong with some tradition.”




D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.