August 16, 2016 4:29 pm -

Conspiracy theories abound around the Yakking Yam.

Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo, one of the first congressman to say he would not vote for Donald Trump in November, says he believes the Republican nominee is trying to lose on purpose to help Hillary Clinton.

The Florida congressman added that Trump should step aside to allow another Republican to assume the nomination.

“I have no hard proof for my theory, but I think the relevant question is do people actually think that Donald Trump is trying to win?” Curbelo asked on the Fernand Amandi Radio Show on News Radio 610 WIOD Miami on Monday.


Curbelo pointed to Trump’s failure to focus on Clinton’s false claim that FBI director James Comey said she was truthful about her email and new revelations about the Clinton Foundation as evidence supporting his theory.

“Mr. Trump has not focused, he instead, that day or around that time, made the comment about the Second Amendment people — whether he meant it one way, it created a huge distraction,” he said.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.