August 21, 2016 10:00 pm -

That settles it! Trump can’t be running a racist outfit because there is a top “incredibly gay: person there.

he GOP presidential nominee turned over the CEO reins to his floundering campaign to Brietbart chief executive Steve Bannon, raising concerns the campaign might pull even further to the right.

Speaking with CNBC regular Steve Cortes, Reid addressed the troubling affiliation.


“Do you seem comfortable being in the same camp as some of the people,” Reid pressed Cortes. “The Southern Poverty Law Center has described the Trump campaign bringing Breitbart’s Bannon in as cozying up to the alt-right. And the explainer that Breitbart put up to explain who they are was written by a guy named Milo Yiannopoulos, who who is known as being sort of a guru to the alt-right — he’s one of the people who hounded a comedian from Saturday Night Live off the internet with racist invective.”

“They are white nationalists.” she continued. “Does that make you uncomfortable to be in the same camp with them?”

“Well, I would say they are nationalists,” he began. “I wouldn’t say they are white nationalists. And Milo, by the way, who you cite, is certainly the most known member of the alt-right, he’s very provocative. He’s also incredibly gay! And very, very public about it.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.