August 24, 2016 4:26 pm -

The sickness isn’t Hillary’s, it’s the Trump camp that promotes this garbage.

John Jaggers, who runs Trump operations in Maryland as well as the population center of Northern Virginia, raised the deadly-serious issue at a gathering called Women4Trump in Virginia’s tony horse country community of Middleburg.

Jaggers, who is also a Tea Party leader, made the startling statement about Clinton’s morbidity while also floating a theory that suggests there is more than just sartorial discretion behind Clinton’s decision to sport a long coat on a recent trip to Nantucket to raise campaign cash.

He apparently was referencing an online rumor that Clinton’s garment might be being used to cover up a mystery illness.

‘How many of you would wear a wool coat in August?’ Jaggers asked at the resort event, the Loudoun Times-Mirror reported…

‘This woman is very, very sick and they’re covering it up. You’re not so much talking about Hillary Clinton being president for eight years – you’re talking about Tim Kaine being president for eight years,’ he said, mentioning Clinton’s running mate, a Virginia native. ‘Because that’s what we’re dealing with here.’

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D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.