September 6, 2016 1:43 am -

Donald Trump says he never talked to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi about a Trump University lawsuit, even as news breaks about Trump paying a fine for a gift to Bondi. Josh Marshall believes Trump is lying.

Trump: “I never spoke to her” … “Never spoke to her about that at all.”

Who knows? But according to multiple reports, well before this became a big story and never denied by Trump, Pam Bondi personally solicited the contribution from Trump.


…a central element of [an AP] story was that Bondi personally asked Trump for the contribution. Indeed, it’s in the first sentence of the story. But she never disputed this claim. Trump never did either. Of course, perhaps Trump simply wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see the story. But Bondi quite clearly did.

So where did the AP get the idea that Bondi spoke to Trump directly? From an on the record interview with her political consultant Marc Reichelderfer, who Bondi asked to speak to the AP on her behalf!

Given that this information came from Bondi’s consultant, speaking to the AP on her behalf while trying to defend her against claims of a conflict of interest – and that it was never disputed post-publication – it is overwhelmingly likely that the two did speak and that Trump is lying.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.