September 14, 2016 2:34 pm -

Dr. Oz says he’ll look at Donald Trump’s health records and analyze them, but the Trump campaign says that’s not so.

Campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks told CNN Money that Dr. Oz would not discuss the results of Trump’s recent physical during the interview set to air Thursday, and instead would discuss the Republican nominee’s health habits. NBC News reportedthat Trump’s campaign planned to release his medical records “soon.”

During an interview on Fox News Wednesday morning, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway confirmed that Trump will not release the results of his physical during his interview with Dr. Oz.

Fox Host Martha MacCallum asked Conway why the campaign will not release Trump’s records on the show.


“On a TV show? I don’t think that he should —” Conway responded.

MacCalllum jumped in to ask, “But that was the original plan, wasn’t it?”

“No,” Conway replied.”He was going to talk about the fact that he had a physical and what the results are or what the doctor may have told him to date.”

Conway added that “if he is asked a question about his health or his stamina, I’m sure he will be happy to answer it.”

She also said that the campaign will release the results of Trump’s recent physical “this week.”

This comes after Oz said during Brian Kilmeade’s Fox News radio show on Tuesday that he would analyze Trump’s medical records in the interview, which was slated to be taped Wednesday morning. But Oz also told Kilmeade that he was “not going to ask him questions he doesn’t want to have answered.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.