September 14, 2016 5:09 pm -

But then why should be be surprised?

It started Tuesday in Iowa, when Trump claimed Clinton is running “a policy-free campaign.”

Then Ivanka Trump picked it up: “There’s no policy on Hillary Clinton’s website pertaining to any of these issues, child care, eldercare, or maternity leave or paternity leave for that matter,” she said, in remarks first noted by ThinkProgress. “There’s no policy that’s been articulated on how to solve the problem.”


If you’re tempted to bet against Hillary Clinton having a policy about anything on her website, that’s probably a bad idea. It’s an especially bad idea when it relates to the issues she’s put at the center of not just her campaign but much of her public career. is virtually buried in policy proposals for child care, family leave, and elder care (including a special section on Alzheimer’s disease).

Trump’s website, meanwhile, has almost no policy on it at all. Even now, it spotlights just eight issues — and that’s counting “immigration” and “pay for the wall” separately.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.