September 15, 2016 4:34 pm -

Keith Olbermann is speaking out at with regular presentations. In this case, he’s shredding Rudy Giuliani.

“Did any of your opponents have the gall to attack you over your own health?” he asked regarding Giuliani’s failed run for the GOP presidential nomination. “Did any of your opponents do that when you were first diagnosed, while you were running for the senate seat for New York? Who were you running against again? Oh right — Hillary Clinton.”


When Giuliani had to end his 2000 campaign against Clinton because of the illness, Olbermann pointed out, Clinton called him to wish him a speedy recovery, a sharp contrast to the former New York mayor’s insistence that “videos on the Internet” should cast doubt on the Democratic nominee’s own health.

“For crying out loud, Hillary Clinton has been campaigning with pneumonia since at least last Friday, and making more sense than Donald Trump has in his entire campaign,” said Olbermann. “How’s her health? She’s frickin’ Wonder Woman.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.