September 18, 2016 2:29 pm -

The “law and order” clan Trump surrounds himself with is full of questionable histories.

As chairman of Donald Trump’s “Florida law enforcement coalition” and one of the Trump campaign’s official pilots, Vincent Caldara is doubly devoted to the Republican presidential nominee and his pledge to crack down on criminality.A former police officer in New York and Miami, Caldara told supporters at a recent gathering in Florida that he had been flying vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence “from coast to coast to make sure we get the law and order message out to every single person that will be voting on November 8th”.

Caldara is simultaneously fighting claims that he is a lawbreaker himself.


The 55-year-old pilot is charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, after he allegedly drove a vehicle at another person repeatedly in Pompano Beach in July last year. According to court records, the victim, whose name is withheld, was treated in hospital for leg and back injuries. Caldara has pleaded not guilty…

Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, has been Trump’s most visible ally among serving police. Although a registered Democrat, Clarke, 60, accused Hillary Clinton’s campaign of “embracing criminality” after mothers of African Americans killed by police appeared onstage at the Democratic National Convention.

But Clarke has been accused of violating rules and regulations himself since being elected in 2002. After one of his deputies broke a woman’s neck by crashing his vehicle into her car, Clarke was alleged to have overseen an attempted cover-up that involved framing the woman for drunk driving…

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, has over the past two decades become notorious as “the most unrepentantly lawless lawman in America”: repeatedly condemned by the courts, denounced by civil liberties advocates and forced to pay out tens of millions of taxpayer dollars in compensation.

Arpaio currently faces possible criminal charges for contempt of court for ignoring a judge’s order in 2011 that his aggressive immigration patrols must stop racially profiling suspects. Earlier this year, Arpaio was held in civil contempt on three counts by a federal judge.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.