September 21, 2016 9:50 pm -

The Fayetteville, NC high school teacher was suspended for trying to teach about the First Amendment.

Massey Hill Classical High history teacher Lee Francis was teaching students about history and the 1st Amendment and, to demonstrate his point, he stepped on the American flag. Someone snapped this photo and posted it to Facebook…

…there was enough outrage that, according to WRAL, he has been given a brief suspension with pay.

Superintendent Frank Till Jr. explained, “Clearly there are other ways to teach First Amendment rights without desecrating a flag. The situation is currently under investigation… I think he’s right, absolutely there could be other ways to teach the subject, but in the same vein the way that I taught it can’t necessarily be wrong.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.