Trump: Sex ‘great’ with ‘deeply troubled women’
He was talking to Howard Stern about Lindsay Lohan.
STERN: “Can you imagine the sex with this troubled teen?”
TRUMP: “Yeah, you’re probably right. She’s probably deeply troubled and therefore great in bed. How come the deeply troubled women, you know, deeply, deeply troubled, they’re always the best in bed?”
STERN: “Because they’re looking for love, they’re looking for positive affirmation, they’re looking for a father figure who will love them and tell them they’re wonderful and they’ll never be enough. No matter many times you tell them they’re beautiful, no matter how many times you tell them you love them they want to suck it up more. They would drain you like a vampire until your head caved in if they could get more love.”
TRUMP: “Well I have a friend Howard who’s actually like a great Playboy, I mean, I don’t say this about men, this guy does very well. He runs silent, runs deep as they say, like a submarine. He will only look for a crazy women. He says, ‘Donald, Donald, please, please, I only want the crazy women.’”