October 17, 2016 6:23 pm -

Well, this will put an end to Joe Biden’s campaign for the presidency.

Still battered by accusations that he made unwanted advances on women and touched them without consent, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is pointing to vice president Joe Biden’s ‘long history of groping.’

Trump Monday morning retweeted a video posted by New York broadcaster Mark Simone titled, ‘Watch Joe Biden’s Long History Of Grabbing, Kissing and Groping Women Who Are Cringing.’


The video, set to mood music that might be found in a 1970s skin flick, stitches together footage of Biden, known as a back-slapping politician when he was in the Senate, touching, massaging, and whispering to a number of women during televised swearing-in ceremonies there.

The ‘creepy’ headline refers to the swearing in of Delaware Senator Chris Coons to take Biden’s seat. Biden placed his hands on the shoulder of Coons’ daughter and whispered in Maggie Coons’ ear during the ceremony, attracting enough chatter in DC that Senator Coons got asked about it during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.

‘I have to ask, ’cause a lot of people have been speculating about it, does she think the vice president is creepy?’ host Chris Wallace asked point-blank.

‘No, Chris,’ Coons responded. ‘She doesn’t think the vice president is creepy.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.