October 26, 2016 9:35 pm -

For some reason, Vince McMahon doesn’t want his wrestlers commenting on Trump. Apparently, they are not free to exercise their free speech rights as long as they’re under his control.

The website Daily Wrestling News reports that McMahon has imposed a company-wide gag order on all media inquiries related to Trump.

This comes after former WWE wrestler and Celebrity Apprenticecontestant Maria Kanellis blasted Trump for the comments he made in the leaked 2005 Access Hollywood tape.


“He must have a very low opinion of the females that he’s worked with—maybe not females in general, but to say something like that about a married woman, it’s disrespectful, rude and uncouth,” Kanellis said. “At least, of the women he’s made these comments about, he must have a low opinion of them.”

McMahon and Trump are reportedly longtime friends. And the wrestling mogul’s wife, Linda McMahon, has previously run for the US Senate in Connecticut as a republican.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.