October 28, 2016 3:44 pm -

It’s as though his presidential campaign is a front for his other businesses.

Trump’s new hotel in Washington received $13,432, according to new Federal Election Commission filings late Thursday. His hotel in New York City received $18,014. And his hotel in Las Vegas was paid $79,044.


The FEC filings cover the first 19 days of October and do not specify precisely what services were provided. The Trump campaign did not respond to The Huffington Post’s queries.

The payments for the New York hotel were over a number of days and were described as “lodging.” The Las Vegas total was a single payment made on Oct. 17, and may have been for the campaign’s visit to the city for the third presidential debate on Oct. 19. It also was described as lodging.

The payment to the new Washington hotel at the Old Post Office site, a few blocks from the White House, also was made on Oct. 17 and was for “rental/catering services.” The hotel hosted a Sept. 16 Trump press briefing that turned into a tour of his property.





D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.