Kansas Republican mailer stokes fears that Muslims with guns are coming
Muslims in headscarves will descend on Kansas which will defend its citizens from these ISIS fighters, goes the mailer.
“The first step to keeping Kansas safe is to recognize who the enemy is,” says a mailer distributed by the party behalf of Republican State Rep. Joseph Scapa. “LET’S KEEP TERRORISTS OUT OF KANSAS!”
The Kansas Republican Party justifies its Islamophobic messaging on the basis of focus groups that indicated it’s a winning issue.
“We did polling and focus groups, and the one issue that got overwhelming positive response and was associated with Republicans was safety,” Clay Barker, executive director of the Kansas Republican Party, told the Wichita Eagle. “You know, Gitmo, that article that came out back in August that ISIS had named soldiers for assassinations, police being shot and those knuckleheads in Garden City, it all kind of added up to a security issue… the whole feeling that’s there violence out there. And it’s a positive issue for Republicans.”