October 31, 2016 10:30 am -

… and straining marriages.


The North Carolina couple won’t even watch the news in the same room anymore. He is voting for Donald Trump to cancel out her vote for Hillary Clinton. The tension has brought their marriage to its lowest point, she said.

“I really, genuinely think the marriage is the worst it has ever been,” said Tasha, who, like the others in a Charlotte, N.C., focus group last week, gave just her first name.

“It is a train wreck. I do not even want to hear it,” she said. “He has to put headphones on to listen to his Fox News. It sends me over the edge.”

Asked later to name one positive attribute about Clinton, Tasha’s husband, Kyler, struggled.

“There might have been something before this campaign,” he said. “But I hate her.”

In most elections, married couples tend to vote alike. But this year, polls indicate that married women are spurning the Republican nominee in numbers not seen in decades. In households around the country, husbands and wives who have traditionally voted the same ticket are parting ways, creating tension — and denial.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.