October 31, 2016 9:51 pm -

Probably not, because it got hardly any press.

The lost emails weren’t just random communications, by the way. As it turns out, they would have been helpful in a few high-profile cases. For one, some of the lost emails are thought to have been sent by Dick Cheney’s aides regarding a diplomat who disagreed with the administration’s position on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. For another, a Congressional subcommittee could have used some of those emails when investigating the wrongful termination of nine U.S. attorneys by Bush’s attorney general, Alberto Gonzalez.   Sure, the timing of the email vacuum might be a coincidence, but given that President Bush refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena on the subject, the “lost” emails seem incredibly timely and convenient.[su_center_b]Ultimately, in 2009, computer technicians were able to recover about 22 million emails dating from 2003 to 2005 that had been deemed “lost” by the Bush Administration. That’s right. 22 million.


When this mess landed on the desk of the Obama Administration, those emails were re-characterized from “lost” to “mislabeled.” The recovered emails were then turned over to the National Security Archive…

What’s truly noteworthy about this entire subject is that while over 560,000 articles have been written in the last eighteen months mentioning Hillary Clinton’s emails, almost no media attention was focused on the prior email problem, which spanned three presidential administrations. Furthermore, the mishandling of electronic data that occurred during the George W. Bush administration may well have obscured information relating to American response to the 9/11 attacks and the war in Iraq – among the all-time most controversial topics for public comment. Now, for the side-by-side. Hillary Clinton’s private email server and mishandling of classified information continues to be touted as the mother of all malfeasance. Yet, the loss of a far more staggering number of emails sent during a far more politically-sensitive time frame has been almost totally ignored.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.