November 4, 2016 10:30 pm -

Trump supporters are preparing to not take his loss very well.

“We’re going to win. And if we don’t win and Hillary wins, I think we’re going to take over the government,” said Nancy Fraize, 51, who works as a cleaning lady in Manchester, New Hampshire. “I think personally we’ll all be at the White House sitting on the front lawn. In arms.”

Her view of the possible outcome and aftermath are hardly rare. Poll numbers show an uncertain race and renewed scrutiny of Hillary Clinton’s emails just before Election Day, and a survey last month showed only one-third of Republicans saying they have confidence the votes will be counted fairly.


The blend of confidence in Trump and distrust of those in power was reflected again and again in more than two dozen interviews with his supporters across battleground states where the presidential race is being fought.

Trump backers are nearly uniformly confident about their candidate’s prospects, despite the controversies that have surrounded his campaign all year and opinion polls that show him trailing Clinton in potentially decisive states. Many of those interviewed agree with the Republican nominee’s incendiary assertion that the election could be “rigged,” an unprecedented challenge to the nation’s democratic tradition…

“It’s about time we had someone with the balls to get things done,” said Lugene Martin, 51, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. “I’m so tired of this country being led by same-old, same-old politicians. We need one who won’t follow the rules.”

“If he lost?” she asked herself. “I don’t even know what I’d do.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.