Chaffetz STILL wants to continue Clinton email investigation
Rep. Jason Chaffetz says it would be “totally remiss of us” not to keep investigation Hillary Clinton on the email issue.
According to The Washington Post, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chair Jason Chaffetz said today that “it would be totally remiss of us to dismiss” investigating Clinton’s emails just because she won’t be president.
“I still have a duty and obligation,” he said, “to get to the truth about one of the largest breaches of security at the State Department. Tens of thousands of documents still have not been turned over to Congress.”
…Chaffetz, you might recall, disowned Trump over the Access Hollywood tape before ultimately deciding to vote for him to stop Clinton.
Congressman Elijah Cummings responded to Chaffetz’s new comments:
It is extremely disappointing that Chairman Chaffetz plans to continue investigating Secretary Clinton for years to come… After everything our country has just been through—and particularly given that Donald Trump and Paul Ryan have both called for healing our nation’s divisions—I think the American people deserve more from Congress than to continue squandering taxpayer dollars on these baseless Republican accusations and partisan attacks.