November 14, 2016 9:48 pm -

Rudy Giuliani continues to give odd defenses for whatever Trump says or does.

Good-government types were already crying foul over Donald Trump’s intention to put his children in charge of his business during his presidency. And now that those same children are on Trump’s transition team, these groups are even more concerned about conflicts of interest.

Trump loyalist Rudolph W. Giuliani seemed to acknowledge in a CNN interview Sunday that it wasn’t an ideal set-up. But then he offered a remarkable defense. “He would basically put his children out of work if — and they’d have to go start a whole new business, and that would set up the whole — set up new problems,” Giuliani said on “State of the Union.”


Giuliani added: “It’s kind of unrealistic to say you’re going to take the business away from the three people who are running it and give it to some independent person. And remember, they can’t work in the government because of the government rule against nepotism. So you would be putting them out of work.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.