Ignores intel briefings in favor of calls with world leaders
Donald Trump is substituting U.S. intelligence briefings with phone calls to “a number of source.”
Last week, the Washington Post reported that President-elect Donald Trump had only received two classified intelligence briefings since election day — a number they said was “notably lower” than the amount received by his predecessors at this point in the transition period.
In an interview on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday, host Dana Bash asked Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway about the allegation.
Conway did not deny the Post’s report, but instead stressed that in addition to the (limited) intelligence briefings he has received, the President-elect is “receiving information through his personal and on-the-phone meetings with over what’s now 41 world leaders.”
…Presidents-elect usually use the intelligence briefings during the transition to immerse themselves in the national security issues facing the country and to become familiar with leaders around the globe. Notably, Trump is the first person elected to the U.S. presidency with zero government or military experience.