December 1, 2016 10:44 pm -

He’s more than 10,000 votes behind, but the election board in North Carolina, controlled by Republicans, are trying to save his governorship.

Three Republican members of the State Board of Elections voted Wednesday to overturn a Nov. 18 decision by the Durham County elections board rejecting McCrory’s request for a recount in the liberal county that is home to Duke University and heavily favored McCrory’s Democratic challenger, Roy Cooper.


As of Wednesday, Cooper’s lead was 10,329 over McCrory, with 94 of 100 counties having finished their counties, ABC affiliate WSOC reported. But McCrory has refused to concede, alleging that improper vote counting, dead people and felons swung the vote for his Democratic challenger. On election night, Cooper was actually trailing McCrory until 90,000 votes from Durham came in late. The governor has since accused the county of voting improprieties…

With its 3-2 vote along party lines, the State Board of Elections ordered more than 90,000 Durham County early votes recounted by hand, citing alleged “malfeasance” in the election night count by a supporter of McCrory…

Until Wednesday night, many of the rulings of the state elections board and 100 county boards — all of which are controlled by Republicans — have gone against the governor’s effort to save his seat. With their decision, Republicans on the State Board of Elections ignored a state election official who proofread the results and testified they were accurate.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.