December 2, 2016 1:49 am -

Gary Legum at Salon:

Basically, the deal amounts to short-term ego gratification for Trump but does nothing to address the long-term problem of manufacturing decline in the Rust Belt or honestly level with blue-collar workers about the future of factory jobs that are growing ever scarcer in America. Trump has no more idea about how to do that than anyone else in his party — assuming it is even interested in doing so — beyond bribing companies with tax breaks. Which is not a long-range sustainable model for the manufacturing sector…


After the election and a call to its CEO from the new president-elect, Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies, hammered out a deal with outgoing Indiana governor and Vice President-elect Mike Pence. In exchange for tax breaks that will cost the state of Indiana $700,000 a year for an unspecified number of years, Carrier will keep 850 manufacturing jobs in the state, along with 300 headquarters and engineering jobs that slated to move to North Carolina. About 1,300 jobs will still relocate to the glorious workers’ paradise of Mexico…

Here is what we know about the Carrier deal. The company had planned to close its Indianapolis plant and ship about 2,000 jobs to a new facility in Monterrey, Mexico, where it can get away with paying workers $19 a day. On the campaign trail this year Trump had been railing against the move as an example of the creeping globalism that has hollowed out America’s manufacturing industry and he promised to reverse it. If he couldn’t, he promised his voters, he would slap a 35 percent tariff on any products that Carrier made in Mexico and then tried to import into the United States.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.