Pence: Trump will decide about intervening with companies Carrier-style ‘on a day-to-day basis’
With this model, more companies will get tax incentives, even as they move workers to Mexico.
“He is going to put on the table all the tools that are going to take away the advantages of companies that for far too long have been pulling up stakes, leaving American workers behind,” Pence told ABC.
Asked if Trump would now pick up the phone to call other companies considering shipping jobs overseas, Pence said “the president-elect will make those decisions on a day-by-day basis.”
Trump’s incoming chief of staff, Reince Priebus, said he expected the president-elect would be burning up the phone lines to warn companies to keep jobs at home.
“I would not be surprised if he wasn’t on the phone with all of these companies, as many as he can to encourage them to stay, stick it out,” Priebus told Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends.”