December 6, 2016 4:32 pm -

The number of jobs saved is down to 730.

President-elect Trump claimed to have saved 1,100 jobs at the Carrier plant in Indianapolis, IN, but workers have been notified that as of right now, only 730 jobs will be staying in the US. 1,233 jobs will be moving to Mexico.


WTHR in Indianapolis reported:

“We found out today that more jobs are leaving than what we originally thought,” Bray said. “It seemed like since Thursday, it was 1,100 then it was maybe 900 and then now we’re at 700. So I’m hoping it doesn’t go any lower than that.”

Union workers got a letter at the plant saying Trump’s deal with Carrier will save only 730 factory jobs in Indianapolis, plus 70 salaried positions – 553 jobs in the plant’s fan coil lines are still moving to Monterrey, Mexico.

All 700 workers at Carrier’s Huntington plant will also lose their jobs.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.