January 12, 2017 1:34 pm -

Trump falsely claimed that intelligence director James Clapper told him the the Russia report was ‘fictitious.”

Donald Trump announced on Twitter Thursday that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told him that the much-discussed Russia memo was definitely phony.


But Clapper released his own version of events before Trump’s tweet. Clapper never said in his statement that they believe the unverified report — composed by a former British intelligence agent — was false. Instead, he only said that they had not yet passed judgement on the memo.

“This evening, I had the opportunity to speak with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss recent media reports about our briefing last Friday. I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security,” Clapper wrote.

“The [intelligence community] has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.