January 12, 2017 6:17 pm -

The Guardian reports that Christopher Steele is “very credible.”

…Steele, the former MI-6 officer who authored the dossier, is considered “very credible” and a “highly regarded professional.” This comes on the heels of a Wednesday BBC report that independently sourced some of the details contained in the dossier. The Guardian report, burying the lead a bit, also drops at the end of the article that Steele has gone into hiding.


With Steele’s credibility being central to the report, there’s little to no information given on his voluntary disappearance. That takes us back to his reputation and the dossier he prepared.

“The idea his work is fake or a cowboy operation is false, completely untrue,” said a former British government official who worked with Steele for decades and calls him a friend. “Chris is an experienced and highly regarded professional. He’s not the sort of person who will simply pass on gossip. If he puts something in a report, he believes there’s sufficient credibility in it for it to be worth considering. Chris is a very straight guy. He could not have survived in the job he was in if he had been prone to flights of fancy or doing things in an ill-considered way.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.