January 25, 2017 2:29 pm -

Former intelligence officials continue to denounce the former game show host’s arrogant “all about me me me me” speech in front of the wall honoring operatives killed in the line of duty:


Former CIA Deputy Director Philip Mudd on Tuesday slammed Donald Trump’s “disgusting” speech to CIA officials over the weekend, telling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, he almost wanted to cry after the president’s self-aggrandizing presentation.

On CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Blitzer asked Mudd to comment on Trump’s speech Saturday, wherein the president focused almost exclusively on his “running war with the media,” and what he perceives as unfair coverage of his inauguration crowd size.

Trump’s speech even drew a rebuke from former CIA Director John Brennan, who said he was “deeply saddened and angered” by Trump’s display.

Tuesday, Mudd echoed Brennan’s sentiment, telling Blitzer, “You almost want to cry, Wolf.

I mean there’s a sense of outrage, but there’s also such a sense of sadness,” Mudd added. “Those aren’t stars, Wolf. Those are people.

We have a president who has to talk about how many times he’s been on a Time Magazine cover in comparison to a football player,” Mudd later added. “He has to talk about how many people showed up at his inauguration. He’s got to talk about how many people in the CIA enjoyed his speech. That’s what we get to honor the people who lost their lives.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.