February 14, 2017 4:33 am -

Flynn has resigned, and not a moment too soon.

Here’s how it played out:

Adam Schiff dropped a bombshell on CNN: Michael Flynn may have used encryption to hide Russia talks from US.

Kellyanne Conway proclaimed that embattled Trump adviser Michael Flynn “has the full confidence of the president.”

Less than an hour later, Sean Spicer told the press that Trump is “evaluating the situation” surrounding Flynn.

In the early evening, WaPo reported that then-acting AG Sally Yates warned Trump Administration that Flynn might be vulnerable to blackmail.

A little after 10pmEDT, the NY Times dropped the big enchilada in the punchbowl: ‘Flynn Is Said to Have Misled White House on Russian Talks’.

Shortly thereafter, the fat lady sung.

Expect the White House to characterize this as a “distraction” and a “reset.”

It’s not. It’s a full-fledged scandal – and potentially worse.

At very least it is a yuuuuuge loss for Donald “we’ll win so much you’ll get sick of winning” Trump.

But far worse, it is now abundantly clear that the Trump inner circle had been warned that Flynn was compromised. And they allowed a compromised candidate for the highest national security office in the nation to be confirmed – in effect, hiding crucial information from Congress.

Anything less than an independent investigation constitutes a cover-up.

‘Nuff said.

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.