February 15, 2017 1:35 pm -

Omarosa Manigault, an aide to Donald Trump who first came to pop culture fame as a “villain” contestant on Trump’s business game show The Apprentice, lived up to her reputation when she threatened a reporter in true “big brother” fashion


… and said that the Trump administration has “dossiers” on some reporters.

The argument — which escalated to a point that Secret Service needed to get involved, according to The Washington Post – was a result of accusations that the reporter, American Urban Radio Networks White House correspondent April D. Ryan, was “manipulated” by the Hillary Clinton campaign. According to Ryan, Manigault “stood right in my face like she was going to hit me,” Ryan said. “I said, ‘You better back up.’ . . . She thought I would be bullied. I won’t be.”

Post reporter Abby Phillip, who was near the argument, said the law enforcement intervention was requested by Ryan, who felt Manigault’s “behavior was so threatening.”

Per the Post:

During their altercation, Ryan said Manigault told her that she was among several African American journalists who were the subject of White House “dossiers.” Manigault has previously said that Trump is keeping “a list” of opponents, though at the time she was referring to Republicans who voted against Trump.

The Post asked the White House for comment, but the administration did not respond.

If only there were some person — preferably in the Trump administration — who could have warned us that the White House was compiling an enemies list. Thankfully that someone is Omarosa, who said right after Donald Trump was elected: “It’s so great our enemies are making themselves clear so that when we get in to the White House, we know where we stand.”

Sean Spicer denied Omarosa’s claim:

White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday said the administration is not keeping “dossiers” on specific reporters, following a report that said a staffer mentioned dossiers during a dustup with a White House correspondent.

“That is absolutely not true. There are no dossiers being kept,” Spicer said during his daily press briefing.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.