February 16, 2017 1:40 pm -

And he seemed like such a nice guy on the Sunday shows! But then, this isn’t the first time the evidence points to his bigotry:


The architect of the executive order targeting Muslim immigrants helped start the “Terrorism Awareness Project.”

While a senior at Duke University, President Donald Trump’s Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller helped launch a group on campus that sought to expose the risks of “Islamofascism.” A recent review by CNN’s KFile found that Miller helped run Duke’s chapter of the “Terrorism Awareness Project,” an initiative started by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a right-wing foundation that has ties to anti-Muslim hate groups, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

An archived “about page” for the project stated that the war against “Islamic jihad and its religion of terror” will only be won if both sides understand the threat it poses and confronts it. “The Terrorism Awareness Project will assist in achieving both these objectives,” the blog post said.

Miller apparently served as the national campus coordinator for the initiative and was listed as a co-founder. The group’s mission was similar to the platform Miller ran on in his failed bid to become class president at Santa Monica High School: curb the influence of the left in American education.

In high school, Miller focused his attention on his Hispanic classmates, publicly bemoaning the sound of Spanish-speakers in his school’s hallways. When Miller moved across the country for college, he adjusted his sights on the Muslim community.

“The sad truth is that America generally is sleepwalking through the war on Terror and our universities are doing something even worse: allowing an unholy alliance to form between the forces of terror and the forces of anti Americanism,” one post said on the “Terrorism Awareness Project” website.

These latest findings from CNN’s KFile come days after Miller went on several Sunday morning political shows to defend the executive order that temporarily banned immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.