February 18, 2017 5:15 pm -

Republican Congressman Tom Reed, whose district lies on the outskirts of Buffalo, New York, held a town hall that drew such a big crowd that it had to be moved outside. It did not go well for the poor, put-upon congresscritter:


A huge crowd of raucous progressives and quieter conservatives overwhelmed Rep. Tom Reed’s town hall meeting in this Chautauqua County village Saturday morning, with the progressives repeatedly interrupting and shouting down the congressman’s comments as he tried to defend Republican plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

The crowd was so large that it was moved out of the senior center where it was scheduled and into the parking lot outside. There, Reed patiently worked — but failed — to maintain order. …

[D]ecorum broke down as Reed described replacing Obamacare with a conservative plan that would include health savings accounts.

“How can the poor get savings accounts? How can the poor get savings accounts?” many members of the crowd replied in unison.

Similarly, as Reed tried to elaborate on the Republican health care plans, another chant broke out.

“We want your health care! We want your health care!” the crowd chanted.

Meantime, others in the crowd — men wearing NRA and Infowars baseball caps, women in parkas who refused to speak to reporters — stood silently by in the chilly sunshine, frowning. …

ealth care clearly wasn’t the only issue on the minds of the progressives in the crowd, who interrupted Reed’s comments on health care with the chant: “Taxes! Trump! Taxes! Trump!”

That was a reference to President Trump’s refusal to release his income tax returns.

Reed recently voted in committee against legislation that would have forced Trump to release his tax returns, and when he mentioned that, the crowd drowned him out with boos.

When he tried to explained, they drowned him out again.

“What are you covering up?” the crowd chanted. “What are you covering up?”

Could it be… Putin? Just askin’.

Watch the Facebook live video of the event.

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.