June 13, 2017 1:03 pm -

Bible-thumping veep Mike Pence will address will address the Christians United for Israel convention in July. Its founder is celebrity megachurch pastor John Hagee, who has said sats some pretty outrageous stuff:

[Hagee] said Hitler was a “hunter” sent by God to expedite the return of Jews to Israel.

According to Right Wing Watch, Pence has signed on to speak at Christians United’s annual gathering in Washington D.C., after Hagee supported the president and vice president throughout the 2016 presidential election.

Hagee made the remarks in a 1990s sermon uncovered during the 2008 presidential election—which prompted then-candidate John McCain to disavow the prominent evangelical.

Hagee has said other crazy things, including a claim that Obama caused ebola:

On [the Oct, 14, 2014] broadcast of the “Hagee Hotline,” televangelist and Christians United For Israel founder John Hagee issued a stark warning to America that the Ebola crisis is God’s judgment on this nation for President Obama’s failure to adequately support Israel.

“I want every American to hear this very clearly,” Hagee said, citing Joel 3 to warn that God will judge any nation that seeks to divide up Israel and declaring that “our president is dead set on dividing Jerusalem. God is watching and he will bring America into judgment.”

“There are grounds to say that judgment has already begun,” Hagee continued, “because he, the president, has been fighting to divide Jerusalem for years now.”

And he’s not too fond of the LGBTQ community. In 2008, he said:

Before 1945 closets were for clothes not for strange people to come out of.

And in 2007:

“Christians don’t steal or lie. They don’t get divorced or have abortions.”

Makes you wonder why Hagee is backing twice-divorced reality show host Donald Trump, who is believed to have caused several abortions.

Pence’s boss continues to support crackpots like Hagee:

Pence’s boss, Donald Trump has pledged support for evangelical Christians. Last week, the president spoke at the Christian conservative nonprofit Faith and Freedom Coalition, arguing “It is time to put a stop to the attacks on religion.”

Exactly. Why bother attacking wacky rapture-cult superstitionists when their own words do it so effectively?

‘Nuff said…

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.