Duncan Hunter has been a very bad boy!
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) allegedly spent campaign cash on affairs with five separate individuals, according to prosecutors who reportedly claim to have photographic evidence.
Hunter and his wife, Margaret, were indicted last month on 60 charges related to the alleged misuse of $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses such as lavish vacations and dinners. The couple has pleaded not guilty.
The San Diego Union-Tribune is now reporting that the 47-page charging document alleges that the congressman had “personal relationships” with at least five individuals, none of whom are identified.
Oh, but they will, eventually. After all, campaign donors do deserve some transparency on how their hard-earned money is being used.
And speaking of how the cash is disbursed, actions have consequences!
Indicted Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-Alpine) could lose his Congressional pension if convicted of felony corruption charges under federal reform laws. Those include the “Honest Leadership and Open Government Act” that his father, Duncan Hunter Sr., voted for in 2007.
In court this week, Hunter asked to be excused from a court hearing slated later this month, but a federal judge in San Diego denied his request, stating that Hunter must be treated equally to anyone else facing felony charges.
This all comes just in time for election season, Thanks for helping the Blue Tsunami, Duncan!