Michael Cohen testimony: best of the Twitter stream
The “Conspiracy” in plain sight was when Cohen heard Stone tell Trump about the Clinton emails BEFORE Wikileaks dumped before the DNC Convention. THATS EYEWITNESS EVIDENCE OF CONSPIRACY. #PagingSpecialCounsel https://t.co/wjyDGZXmcC
— Malcolm Nance (@MalcolmNance) February 27, 2019
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Cohen may have substantiated his testimony with a dozen checks signed by Trump, a hundred audiotapes, corroborating witnesses, and bank statements, but if only he had a CALENDAR, THEN it’d be believable! pic.twitter.com/i9s5BCdCBw
— William LeGate (@williamlegate) February 27, 2019
Michael Cohen, a convicted felon, sounded more credible and convincing than the president — or his Republican defenders. He may go down as the John Dean of Russia-gate. My @PostOpinions column: https://t.co/kY1m8KBdIG
— Max Boot (@MaxBoot) February 27, 2019
BREAKING: Rep. Matt Gaetz is under investigation by Florida Bar on whether He violated professional conduct rules Over Michael Cohen Threat
— PoliticsVideoChannel (@politvidchannel) February 27, 2019
So today, the Democrat Cohen who became vice chair of the RNC finance committee, is being interrogated by GOP Congressmen who seek to protect President Trump, whose third wedding was attended by President Bill and Hillary Clinton. If that’s not the swamp, I don’t know what is https://t.co/JFVEKR83Tj
— Clint Watts (@selectedwisdom) February 27, 2019
Chip Roy's grandstanding here is particularly nauseating. #Cohen
— Charlotte Clymer
(@cmclymer) February 27, 2019
Cohen is now less categorical about turning over his recordings, saying upon questioning from Republican Chip Roy, "I'll take it under advisement now, and if it's not a problem in terms of attorney client privilege…I'll turn it over."
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) February 27, 2019
Cohen just confirmed that Trump doesn’t text. We can all rest a little easier knowing that D picks and sexts from Lumpy aren’t likely to surface.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) February 27, 2019
The staff work on the GOP side is so comically bad. This Stuebe guy is doing a cross about something that has been confirmed in federal court and trying to substantiate the idea that Cohen was actually on retainer.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) February 27, 2019
So Rep. Steube just said that Cohen’s testimony has no probative value, even though he has implicated Trump in multiple felonies.
In a perhaps related note, Rep. Steube is from Florida
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) February 27, 2019
Steube trying to claim that there's any doubt that Trump directed him to make these payments.
Cohen notes that Rudy has confirmed it.
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) February 27, 2019
Miller: Did you try to sell a book about Trump.
Cohen: Yes, when I was still at the RNC.
[Can we talk more about what he did at RNC please?]
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) February 27, 2019
Whoa, Cohen just mentioned his time w/ RNC
— Trump is Toast
(@Ban_Pres_Bannon) February 27, 2019
Cohen just confirmed that Trump doesn’t text. We can all rest a little easier knowing that D picks and sexts from Lumpy aren’t likely to surface.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) February 27, 2019
Cohen testifies that AMI/Pecker also paid off an elevator operator who overheard a conversation about Trump having a love child with the wife of an employee.
— Elizabeth C. McLaughlin (@ECMcLaughlin) February 27, 2019
COhen says he recorded Trump on the David Pecker conversation, bc he knew he wouldn't get paid back!!!!!
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) February 27, 2019
Cohen tells GOP Rep Norman he has never been to Prague or the Czech Republic
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 27, 2019
It’s funny. I am at work listening to the Cohen hearing and sometimes I can’t see the TV but I know…
Woman or clear speaker- Democrat.
Angry Man- Republican.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) February 27, 2019
This is even a bigger deal: Cohen has alleged that Trump knew in advance that the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks planned to publish hacked Democratic National Committee emails. https://t.co/cuKK0J4mEo
— Amy Klobuchar (@amyklobuchar) February 27, 2019
.@RepClayHiggins desperately tries to gin up a scandal surrounding "boxes" of evidence *that the FBI has already seized*. He then says he didn't even know who Cohen is "until today, really."
Some of these House Republicans are totally beyond parody. pic.twitter.com/vy4aHdNuwG
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 27, 2019
Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) once again rather incredulously insists Michael Cohen is somehow hiding evidence ALREADY SEIZED BY THE FBI.
The man is about as bright as 2-watt bulb.
1/2 pic.twitter.com/Vfq2Gpk1XP
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) February 27, 2019
Bonus points to Michael Cohen for repeatedly using the words "Donald Trump" and "massive dump" in the same sentence.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) February 27, 2019
Cohen just testified that Trump lied under oath in a civil case about knowing Felix Sater.
I remember hearing once that lying in a civil case is an impeachable offense
— Will Bunch (@Will_Bunch) February 27, 2019
Cohen just testified that Trump lied under oath in a civil case about knowing Felix Sater.
I remember hearing once that lying in a civil case is an impeachable offense
— Will Bunch (@Will_Bunch) February 27, 2019
Live look at the @realDonaldTrump administration and organization rushing to shred the said documents in response to Michael Cohen’s testimony pic.twitter.com/ZBDESd6tnQ
— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) February 27, 2019
This guy wants to ask Cohen about untruthful documents?
3 words asshole
— WTFGOP? Jail For #Individual1 (@DogginTrump) February 27, 2019
In response to @RepRaskin, @MichaelCohen212 said that David Pecker paid "other monies" on Trump's behalf in "other circumstances" beyond the McDougal and Daniels cases. Well, what are they?
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) February 27, 2019
Big: Cohen says changes were made to his testimony about the Trump Tower Moscow deal by Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow (and maybe others on Trump’s legal team, but he was cut off.) The changes included his statements about how long the negotiations went on, Cohen says.
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) February 27, 2019
Rep. Grothman throws what he thought was a fastball at Cohen's earhole.
Cohen smacks it down his gullet.
Grothman: Are you hoping to get a break on your sentence for this
Cohen: Not THIS today but the criminal investigations I'm helping close in on Trump, sure…
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) February 27, 2019
Wonder if Kim Jung Un is calculating that @realDonaldTrump will be looking for a bright shiny object for to turn the page on the Cohen hearing. If so, the dictator may see this summit as a chance to grab a bargain.
Which is scary.— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) February 27, 2019
Chris Christie: “There hasn’t been ONE Republican yet who’s tried to defend the president on the SUBSTANCE.”
All they can do is attack Cohen.
Because EVERYONE, including them, knows Cohen is telling the truth that Trump is a racist criminal. pic.twitter.com/ooPbese6nP
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) February 27, 2019
Well that was a ‘wow’ moment. Cohen knows about illegal acts by Trump that he can’t discuss because they are under federal investigation.
— Ken Dilanian (@KenDilanianNBC) February 27, 2019
This Cohen testimony has shown me a lot of things, but mostly that these rich white men could benefit from a nightly moisturizing routine.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) February 27, 2019
Republican Jim Jordan asks why Cohen's lawyer didn't deny the BuzzFeed story the special counsel's office disputed about Trump supposedly directing Cohen to lie. Cohen says it's not their job, they are not "the fact-checkers for BuzzFeed."
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) February 27, 2019
Wow. Cohen's statement to Republicans as he heads to prison:
"I did the same thing you're doing now. I protected Mr. Trump…I can only warn people, the more that follow Mr. Trump as I did blindly are going to suffer the same consequences I'm suffering."pic.twitter.com/UQiIEnyJln
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) February 27, 2019
Michael Cohen nails it when he says no Republican member has asked a question about Mr. Trump. Speaks volumes.
— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) February 27, 2019
Cohen: "You don't know him. I do. I sat next for this man for 10 years and I watched his back. I'm the one who started the campaign." He says, "He is doing things that are great, but this destruction of our civility to one another…is out of control."
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) February 27, 2019
"I want to warn you. The more people who follow Mr. Trump blindly are going to suffer the same consequences I have." – Michael Cohen
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) February 27, 2019
The GOP just pulled out the "liar, liar, pants on fire" offense against Michael Cohen. Literally, with a meme and everything.
— Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) February 27, 2019
PAUL GOSAR: "You're a pathological liar. You don't know truth from falsehood."
MICHAEL COHEN (interrupting him with a grin): "I'm sorry, are you referring to me or the president?"
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) February 27, 2019
.@RepGosar slams @MichaelCohen212 for claiming friends and family see him as someone they can depend on in an emergency. Well, there's this….https://t.co/29ZYZJu7ws
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) February 27, 2019
Not one Republican has asked Michael Cohen about the exhibit showing @realDonaldTrump committing a federal crime in the Oval Office. Not one. pic.twitter.com/UBam5PuuwE
— Lawrence O'Donnell (@Lawrence) February 27, 2019
Note that Mark Meadows never took Michael Cohen to task for his work for AT&T.
Because that was to kill Net Neutrality.
And Mark Meadows, his donors & Mr. Trump all have no problem with that.— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) February 27, 2019
Michael Cohen says he briefed Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump on the Trump Tower Moscow project *ten times*…
…all *during the presidential campaign*.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) February 27, 2019
CLay: Did Trump org inflate revenues.
Cohen: Yes.
Clay: W/knowledge of Trump?
Cohen: Everything was done with his knowledge. Trump wanted each year to have his net wealth rise on Forbes list.
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) February 27, 2019
Watching Rep Elijah Cummings shut down Trump-lackey Mark Meadows' attempt to postpone the Michael Cohen testimony, proves to us that times have changed.
Democrats are now in control, meaning the truth actually gets to come out for once.
Get used to it @GOP!
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) February 27, 2019
Cohen: “Sir, please let me finish my answer”
Meadows: “No, …”Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Republican Party of today. What a joke.
— Andrew deMelo (@andrewtdemelo) February 27, 2019
Someone should ask the GOP why, given Cohen's long history of criminal ties and behavior — which was in the public domain before 2016 — they made him the deputy finance chairman of the Republican National Committee in 2017 #CohenTestimony
— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) February 27, 2019
Michael Cohen just beat Jim Jordan’s ass without laying a finger on him.
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) February 27, 2019
“Shame on you, Mr Jordan,” Cohen said after Jordan asserted Cohen was disputing facts of his charges. “I take responsibility for my actions.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) February 27, 2019
The weird thing about the running GOP attack on Cohen's credibility is that the most explosive things Cohen saying are verifiable.
If Don Jr. signed a check, that's verifiable.
If Weisselberg was in the room while Trump participated in the hush money scheme, that's verifiable.
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) February 27, 2019
Cohen just said there were more @realDonaldTrump hush-money payoffs during the campaign. Someone please follow up on this!
— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) February 27, 2019
Artist's rendering of Republican's first few five-minute attempts at impeaching Cohen's credibility. pic.twitter.com/uJ9a5zE1N2
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) February 27, 2019
Asked by Dem Rep. Carolyn Maloney whether Trump controlled everything at his company, Cohen says, "There was nothing that happened at the Trump Organization…that did not go through Mr. Trump with his approval and sign-off."
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) February 27, 2019
The problem is that every legitimate point about Cohen’s bad character….only makes the President look worse!
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) February 27, 2019
Mark Green seems to believe that Michael Cohen's hush payments on behalf of Trump and reimbursed by Trump Organization were illegal.
Okay then.
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) February 27, 2019
Roger Stone has broken his gag order by talking to Maggie Haberman of the NY Times and to ABC News. If he goes to jail today, it will be the best day ever!
— Stephanie Miller (@StephMillerShow) February 27, 2019
Jim Jordan goes after Cohen's back taxes (now paid) and a Twitter account created to help Trump in the campaign and how Cohen is really doing all of this because he wanted a job in the White House that he couldn't get.
Michael Cohen is making Jim Jordan look ridiculous.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) February 27, 2019
I’m old enough to remember less than one yr ago, when Cohen, David Schwartz and others on the right publicly attacked me and called me a liar for months because I insisted that Trump had to know of the NDA agreement and that he had made the reimbursements to Cohen. #Vindicated
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) February 27, 2019
Gym Jordan still hasn't found his jacket, he may have left it in the changing room of the GYM, its a good excuse to continue going back time and time again so he can look…..for it
— 𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒍𝒚 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(@FrankOKelly) February 27, 2019
Allen Weisselberg's name has been dropped a few times already.
Remember it.
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) February 27, 2019
Lets start with a frivolous point: how come Congressman Jim Jordan never wears a jacket?
— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) February 27, 2019
Cummings: You’re saying Trump, while he was President, was cutting you a check for reimburse you for hush money payments? Cohen: yes. Cummings: did Trump know what it was for? Cohen: Yes. I have no doubt.
— Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) February 27, 2019
Cohen looking direct to camera hitting Trump on VIETNAM is other level
— alyssa mastromonaco (@AlyssaMastro44) February 27, 2019
So, Jr. walks behind dad's desk in Cohen's presence and he tells Trump in a low voice (that Cohen could still clearly hear) "The meeting is all set". Trump replies "Good, let me know". Bc of when it happened and how things went, Cohen knew this was about the Trump Tower meeting.
— Ale (@aliasvaughn) February 27, 2019
I love the repeated references by #MichaelCohen to the former "America's Mayor" as "#Trump's TV lawyer."
— Rinse Preebis N
n#QAnon TēãmFęrålFęęd® (@RinsePreebis) February 27, 2019
BREAKING: (Cohen): « Trump directed me to threaten schools to never release his grades or sat scores. » pic.twitter.com/YGtjACYFrc
— Daniel (@hullboydan) February 27, 2019
Robert Mueller and SDNY approved Michael Cohen’s opening statement. Best to remember that. #CohenHearing
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) February 27, 2019
Copy of wire to Cohen from tRump#CohenTestimony pic.twitter.com/0JteT8jsjh
— 𝓖𝓮𝓶𝓶𝓪
™ (@Lady_Star_Gem) February 27, 2019
Womp womp womp pic.twitter.com/nBGIMFGKrp
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) February 27, 2019
He said it! He said “ShitHole”. Bad Word Bingo is starting now. #CohenCongressionalTestimony
— Perla (@pxcaballero) February 27, 2019
— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) February 27, 2019
Remember when Jim Jordan wanted to be Speaker of the House after Paul Ryan declared himself a lame duck? https://t.co/liC1iriTeM
— Grant Stern (@grantstern) February 27, 2019
RT @rawstory: Elijah Cummings gives brutal rebuke of the GOP at Cohen hearing: The days of protecting Trump at all costs are over https://t.co/vHpycrJeyV pic.twitter.com/reTmYkK7l2
— bɹǝʇ ɟnɔʞ!ʇoן (@crewislife) February 27, 2019