Judge Being Blackmailed By GOPers Over Gay Porn Pix?
Roger Shuler, the controversial blogger whose allegations concerning 11th Circuit Court Justice William Pryor’s having posted explicit photos of himself to the gay porn site badpuppy.com went viral after having been posted to his Legal Schnauzer blog last week, follows through with another blockbuster post:
A gay pornography scandal involving U.S. Circuit Judge Bill Pryor likely is a byproduct of an Alabama political system that tends to reward candidates who tout “family values” on the stump while leading private lives marked by sexual impropriety.
That is the take of Andrew Kreig, director of the Washington, D.C.-based Justice Integrity Project. Kreig, a journalist with a law degree from the University of Chicago, is the author of Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney, and their Masters, which is being released in hardcover this month.
Shuler quotes from a new post written by Kreig’s for the Justice Integrity Project:
Illicit sex, which is widespread among the powerful and their ambitious acolytes in Washington as elsewhere, appears to have been especially pervasive among Alabama leaders, who have typically kept up appearances by being married.
Those in both political parties were involved. But this column focuses upon those who especially touted their family values on their way to political victory, not upon the vanquished.
Why is this is relevant to politics and courts? Because the degree of hypocrisy and conniving required to sustain a promiscuous lifestyle at the same time as a virtuous public image is precisely the brazen skill-set that enables success in fund-raising, gerrymandering, voting machine rigging, and trumped-up criminal charges against political opponents.
But, as one has come to expect from Shuler, he saves the most tantalizing information for the tail end of his post, again quoting Kreig:
Reports have circulated for years in elite Alabama legal circles that Pryor was compromised by “badpuppy.com” photos held by well-connected Republicans with interests before the courts. I received a copies of several such photos — purportedly of Pryor — more than two years ago from a reliable source.
Several such photos? It looks as if this story is not going away. Grab the popcorn…